Arts and Community

It has been a busy month, in March, reviving The Arts in our local community. So many regions have been effected by the pandemic and uncertainty of Covid, with many live performance programs being drawn to a complete stand still for nearly two years!

I'm so passionate about community Arts. Why? Because we need it. Even those who don't quite realise it yet, we need it to express our most inner human being. Mental health is at an alarming cross roads for many, despite circumstances being out of our control, many are suffering the effects of lockdowns, raising children with our support networks frozen, loss of work...loss of hope and joy.

Reality is, last year in 2021, I was completely gutted, burnt out and unwell in my mind and heart. I needed to take time off. That rest I took in term 4 (forced by Covid in the end!) was what I needed to start a journey to healing. I've been through trauma before, and thankfully, now I am very quick to spot the signs of a downward spiral in my mental health very quickly! Home schooling 2/3 of my children (and keeping the 3rd quiet and entertained quite the challenge!), managing a business, holding a shop front, introducing vaccine passports...the stress was all too real. I needed to stop, re-assess, re-coup and REACH OUT. Too often as parents, we think we must soldier on as if nothing is bothering us and if all appears well in our camp, we have it together right?! WRONG. BIG, fat lie! A decade of parenting and many flops, I have learnt in these times that being strong is actually taking the courage to reach out and say "I need help". This can mean accessing a mental health plan with your GP, or chatting to a friend, or seeking physical help to carry your load. This time, I did all 3. Break the stigma that all has to be OK, and if your a little bit wobbly you are a bad parent or partner or person. More than ever, it has also re-focussed my attention to others like yourselves...we all have our own ship to steer captain, but we can navigate together, I have no judgement on anyone.

Back to Arts in the Community. The Arts, I truly believe, is the key we can hold to healing. My work as an artist, is evolving also into a healer. The picture you see here was me at 'Off the Leash Theatre' presentation of Ek'spo-zia, the prelude to the performance "The Promenade Project". This project was a series of workshops, a community grant achieved by Arts Health Gippsland, where director Kellie Bray talked about the importance of standing up straight, walking with intention, what ever soundtrack was playing we had to adapt creatively to portray the emotion evoked by the music. Amazing. It was healing for me, a line in the sand, that the last 2 years did not own me but a piece of my growth and it was time to release and move forward from what was holding me back.

The Arts help us to process the simplest of things. I still have a bit of a way to go, but Promenade was a good start for me. I'm very thankful for Libby, Davina and Wini who have stepped in to help. They all bring so much and each a unique part of what I love to call, 'my team'. Fiddlesticks is growing up and many hands make light work!

Want to get involved in a creative activity in our local area? Please chat in class some time, I have a wonderful network in Gippsland of people who can help you on YOUR journey!


Fiddlesticks came about during a deep and difficult time in my life. When I needed a Village most, I built one.
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