New Year Resolutions

Oh wow, how is it 2024? In my head, Covid was just 2 years ago and we are sort of back on track from where things went wonky; homeschooling my kids, flipping my business literally 7 times online, in person, outside (not necessarily in that order) and raising an infant in the mix. So many have forgotten, or wanted to forget, but gee, I think I've only really unpacked the trauma properly in 2023. There was a point when we were getting back into everything after lockdowns, and I had a dizzy episode whilst being a cat with the kids in class (of course) and I thought as I rose up off the floor, I was going to pass out. I could feel my speech slow and I struggled to spit out the next instruction. Was it serious? I don't think so, it felt like a weird migraine I often get with hormonal shifts (IYKYK) but I think more so the effects of stress over a long period of time.

I was conflicted as everyone wanted so desperately to return to in-person classes, but we had to keep them so tiny still and guess what I discovered? Doing 4 classes a row each day was completely unsustainable. It was too much. So, I asked for help. There are not many options in our region and I was thankful for our teachers who have stepped on board, helping to transition back.

Sometimes the decisions we have to make are not popular with everyone, but fact of the matter is if you do not look after yourself and your family before everything else, there will be nothing left over for others. We don't always have to say why either, your boundaries will often surprise or offend if you have had a change in your usual direction and that is also OK.

I don't really subscribe to New Years resolutions, but it happens to be in the quiet time of the holidays a good time to start owning that it is ok for things to not be perfect and if something doesn't sit well or causes stress, well, change it. If it doesn't please everyone or you hear the grumbles from the side, let them and those who want to know the why will have the time to have a cuppa and help decompress as to why we are all human and not robots! Let your yes, be yes and your no, be no and then...move on in peace.

Another thing I want to improve is updating this jolly blog and website a bit better. It was swimming over lockdown learning, but I think I was a little burnt out. All kids off to school this year, there is hope (that's 12 years of little kids at home-I'm surprised anything got done at all sometimes).

Happy New Year. Sign up for class, I want to see what legs this biz can grow without my kids hanging off my hips as I teach!

Pic: Jayne and her girls during lockdown Sept 2020- FYI, that is nearly 4 years ago, not 2.


Fiddlesticks came about during a deep and difficult time in my life. When I needed a Village most, I built one.
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