Take Off!

Oh wow! What a start to the year. Class enrolments have been steady and many of our sessions are fully booked out.

What does this mean? It means that young families like yours are really choosing to value music as a part of your children's lives. Whether you had the privilege to pick up an instrument in your youth, or experience an excellent music program at your school, it is never too late to learn how to appreciate this life giving medium of the Arts. Music lifts the mood of a household, an event, it expresses heartfelt moments like grief or gratitude. We say there is a song for everything and a style for everyone. Thankyou so much for your support so far this year!

All of my children went off to school last week. For some of you this is far off in the distance, but when you get there you will understand it is a big deal. I made it, we made it, that was 12 years of having young kids at home and running a business with my hands theoretically tied behind my back! We have no grandparents to rely on here and my husband also runs a local business and has never hit home until 7pm. Hard yakka years...so we celebrate what we have accomplished. Lets see where this biz can really go now....


Fiddlesticks came about during a deep and difficult time in my life. When I needed a Village most, I built one.
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